Lower left back side pain, constipation? Pancreas problem? - can you have back pain with a negative urinalysis
I fear that this might have pancreatic cancer. : (
For several weeks I had pain in my lower back left side that sometimes radiates to the abdomen or the shoulders and upper back. Nothing too serious, just minor aches and pains.
I was not very active or exercising lately, I must emphasize.
I had constipation and was forced to urinate and about the same amount of time.
I saw several different doctors that I have urine tests, urinalysis, and urine cultures negative. However, I still have discomfort when urinating or later.
I did lymph nodes in the neck, throat near my windpipe by the same amount of time and saw a doctor this as he felt around and said it was viral and autumn. She fell, but he is mobile and rubber-like feel.
This reality has not happened to me, and I am concerned. What is possible? I could really have some suggestions that I am constantly frustrated by doctorsLy exclude this possibility.
I realized that I lost weight around my stomach area, but when I inflated it as and when completed in air or gas. I am very concerned about this and not in the way of my holiday.
Is this a problem of the pancreas?
Please help! Thank you. I'm only 18
I have) the same pain (except during urination and constipation, and has for some years. I had a doctor told me it could be that the paraspinal muscles. You may have thrown one or do something for them. muscle cramps, and can be difficult to heal. Urination and constipation can be caused by back pain, I do not know how the female body in this situation, but it sounds good. Talk to an orthopedic surgeon after receiving a recommendation from your doctor.
I have) the same pain (except during urination and constipation, and has for some years. I had a doctor told me it could be that the paraspinal muscles. You may have thrown one or do something for them. muscle cramps, and can be difficult to heal. Urination and constipation can be caused by back pain, I do not know how the female body in this situation, but it sounds good. Talk to an orthopedic surgeon after receiving a recommendation from your doctor.
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