Wednesday, January 20, 2010

My 6 Week Old Baby Has Phlegm Why Is My Six Week Old Baby Being Sick?

Why Is My Six Week Old Baby Being Sick? - my 6 week old baby has phlegm

My daughter is six weeks, seven on Thursday. It was always clean as a baby was not sick until last week. She began to sick and have a cold in my stomach as my son (2) left g / f and I had a cold. I asked the health visitor and she said it was likely that the sick, the mucus was. Now it's much more patient, and sometimes immediately after his bottle. It is so near itself, so I know the wind on his illness. Sometimes it can 2mins after a bottle and then sick and can sometimes be 2 hours later, and at other times, not bad. My g / f nephew a very sicky baby and the health visitor to his parents, he was told was fine and grow out of it and has (after he left his formula), but also said that there was only enough milk for infants with an order would help to have the milk, does anybody know what is it? Do you think it is just a sicky baby is the nephew had said, begins about 6 weeks if your baby is a sicky. Any help would be great, ill (bad wherelol DR), change your clothes and towels lol. Thank you in advance.


Anonymous said...

Probably just a cold and mucus in the stomach, you vomit.

Anonymous said...

Sounds good, is almost normal, my granddaughter, so sicky until about 8 months, some babies and not others, I think the formula we are talking about is wysoy, soy, but not really if the baby is allergic to milk and sounds not after, because it is sometimes ill. a word with your document if you are worried,

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